These movements are for straight arm strength development, and should (with some exception) be performed with a locked elbow. Keeping the elbow locked puts the majority of the challenge on the scapula. Training straight arm strength should complement bent arm strength (pulling/pressing) work.

Hanging work can serve as prehab for the shoulder as well as mobility work. The progressions below may be trained simultaneously. 

Progressions- Hanging

Progression 1 - Inclined Hang

Points of Performance
- Body straight.
- Less vertical with the torso is more difficult.

Required Work: 3 x 60 seconds

Progression 2 - Foot Assisted Hang

Points of Performance
- Hands just outside shoulder width.
- Use legs as little as possible to assist.

Required Work: 3 x 60 seconds

Progression 3 - Passive Hang

Points of Performance
- Grip bar as light as possible to remain on the bar. The rest of the body should be relaxed.
- Use a bar which allows you to hang completely extended.

Required Work: 3 x 60 seconds


Progression 4 - Active Hang

Points of Performance
- Start in a passive hang.
- Depress shoulders as much as possible while keeping elbows locked.

Required Work: 3 x 60 seconds

Progression 5 - Scap Pull-Up

Points of Performance
- Start in a passive hang.
- Depress and elevated shoulders in a controlled manner.

Required Work: 3 x 60 seconds



Progression 1 - Tuck Hollow Body

Points of Performance
- Keep low back in contact with the ground.
- Shoulders off the ground.

Required Work: 3 x 60 seconds

Progression 2 - Straddle Hollow Body

Points of Performance
- Legs wide and straight.
- Shoulders off the ground and low back in contact.

Required Work: 3 x 60 seconds

Progression 3 - Hollow Body

Points of Performance
- Body "hollow", legs straight, arms overhead.
- Keep low back in contact with the ground.

Required Work: 3 x 60 seconds


Progression 4 - Hollow Body Rock

Points of Performance
- Maintain hollow position, lower back stays in contact with ground

Required Work: 3 x 60 seconds


Progressions- Back Lever

Progression 1 - Bodyweight Reverse Hypers

Points of Performance
- There should be movement in the lower back.
- Aim to swing legs through at the bottom.
- At the top, legs straight, squeeze butt.

Required Work: 3 x 50 reps

Progression 2 - Back Extensions

Points of Performance
Set the pad so hip bones are above the top.
- Round over 1 vertebra at a time without hinging at hip.

Required Work: 3 x 30 reps

Progression 3 - Hip Extensions

Points of Performance
- Keep back flat. Hinge at the hip to initiate movement.

Required Work: 3 x 30 reps


Progression 4 - Foot Support Extension

Points of Performance
- This is a mobility and strength dill.
- May be performed on a box or stall bars.
- Keep elbows locked and gradually load through extension.
- Hands just outside shoulder width.

Required Work: 3 x 60 seconds

Progression 5 - Assisted German Hang

Points of Performance
- Keep rings straps vertical while hanging.
- Elbows remain locked, palms facing towards head.
- Shoulders remain protracted. Gradually add challenge by decreasing leg assistance.

Required Work: 3 x 60 seconds

Progression 6 - German Hang

Points of Performance
- Only perform this movement if you have the strength to start in a hang and pull to the position.
- Shoulder should remain protracted as much as possible. Elbows straight.

Required Work: 3 x 60 seconds