Marla is marrrrrrvelous, and then some! She has a huge heart, contagious smile and the most endearing level of sass. 

She has brought so much joy to the gym community over the last three years. We’d like to celebrate her accomplishments as an athlete and contributions to the team as she sets out on a new adventure. With wisdom well beyond her years, we can all take something valuable from reading about her mindset towards wellness, training, and life more broadly.

Marla is off to great places, today is her day, New Zealand is waiting, it’s time to get on her way!

What brought you to Queen Street Fitness?

I found Queen Street Fitness in 2020, the summer before my second year at Queen’s University. In the wake of my first year, I was struggling with my mental health and body image and desperately missing a structured training environment. I was searching for a fitness community where I could be surrounded by people who similarly prioritized health, well-being, and physical ability. I already had CrossFit experience, so began searching for a functional fitness gym within walking distance from the Student District. Upon first visiting QSF, I instantly felt welcomed and signed up for a membership immediately. I’ve been at QSF ever since.

What does a day-in-the-life look like for you? How will that be changing over the next few months?

My days are constantly varied, but a typical day in my life is usually some variation of the following:

Depending on when I have classes, I will either train at QSF in the mornings or afternoon. If I’m training in the morning, I’ll wake up around 6:30 AM and grab an English muffin with peanut butter before the 7:00 AM class. After class, I’ll do some extra training for about an hour and head back home around 9:00 AM. I’ll eat breakfast, make some coffee, and jet off to my class. Between classes, I’ll get some more schoolwork done, go for a short walk, or grab a coffee. Three times a week, I’ll do a spin class during my lunch hour. Depending on whether I work that evening, I’ll eat an early dinner, prep my late-night snack, and get ready for work. Despite some late nights at work, I love quiet evenings and try my best to get at least 8 hours of sleep a night. For me, the perfect night involves a big bowl of oatmeal, some rice cakes, and an episode of reality TV.

Now that I’ve recently completed my Bachelor of Commerce, my life will be changing quite a bit in the coming months. I’m headed to New Zealand at the end of the month for at least a year and am planning on working while finishing my second degree online (Bachelor of Psychology). I’m living and working on Waiheke Island, serving at a wedding venue & vineyard. I’m honestly not too sure what my life will look like (that’s part of the fun!), but I do know that it will most definitely involve training and coffee. I’ve already scouted out a nearby CrossFit gym and am looking forward to continuing my training in NZ!

You have a very busy schedule between school, working two jobs, the gym, training, and more. How do you balance all of these things?

I definitely keep myself busy! During the school year, I was also working at QSF and The Everly, so I became well-practiced in time management. Over the years, I’ve found it’s all about learning what strategies work best for you and holding yourself accountable. For me, the key is anti-procrastination and self-compassion. Someone once told me that you should respect yourself and your time the same way you would respect a co-worker or friend’s - I completely agree, and so I practice self-compassion by making a conscious effort to finish tasks as I receive them. Because of this, I’m less likely to be stressed and overwhelmed, which contributes to my overall well-being. Another strategy involves scheduling my breaks and QSF training as if they were meetings. A friend shared this tip during my first year of university, and I’ve been using it ever since. Your mental health and well-being are more important than any schoolwork or task you might have to complete, so it should receive the prioritization it deserves. When scheduling appointments or meetings, I’ll simply tell people that I’m unavailable during my QSF training times – this is an appointment I have with myself to work on my mental and physical health, so I treat it accordingly. These are a few ways how, despite the chaos of schoolwork, part-time jobs, and training, I make it all work!

What progress have you made in the last six months that you feel proud of?

In the last six months, I am most proud of finding comfort in embracing my own journey. I’ve never been one to follow the typical path, and in the past, I’ve failed to appreciate this as one of my greatest strengths. In the past year, however, I’ve noticed that I’m more comfortable challenging myself to pursue the opportunities that most excite me – regardless of whether or not they are “conventional.” My greatest fear is living a life that is too comfortable, and so now, I ask myself whether I fear an opportunity because it should truly be feared or because it is outside of my comfort zone. If it’s simply outside of my comfort zone, then I challenge myself to trust that I have the skills and foundational experiences to thrive. I’m most proud of this newfound certainty in myself and my abilities. 

How do you ensure that you’re well-fuelled for your workouts and recovering well between sessions?

I prioritize my nutrition and have found the most success when I eat enough to fuel my active lifestyle. My favourite meal of the day is most definitely breakfast, and my recent go-to breakfast is Kodiak cakes and peanut butter with a bowl of yogurt and caramelized apples. And, of course, coffee (I’m a self-titled coffee snob and take my morning coffee-making quite seriously). For lunch, I love an egg salad or tuna sandwich with veggies and hummus on the side. Throughout the day, I’ll snack on at least a couple of english muffins (with peanut butter) and a smoothie. For dinner, I mix it up, but it’s usually some combination of a protein (salmon, tofu, tempeh, shrimp), a vegetable, and starchy food (farro, rice, sweet potato). Then, for my pre-bedtime snack, I love a giant bowl of oatmeal (with alllll the toppings) and a stack of white-cheddar-flavoured rice cakes on the side. I also eat an embarrassing amount of peanut butter and need a new jar every week 😂

What’s one thing you do every day that is essential to your success in the gym?

I show up. Even on days when I’m unmotivated, or tired, or in a bad mood, I make the conscious and intentional choice to show up for myself. Because it’s important to me, and I love myself enough to honour that.

What’s something you tell yourself before going for a heavy lift, or during a particularly tough workout?

Whenever I’m struggling with a tough workout or heavy lift, I remind myself that this is not the hardest thing I’ve done. I’ve encountered and survived many more challenging moments, and all these experiences have contributed to who I am. And for those particularly hard training days where nothing seems to be going right, I remind myself why I’m doing this. I walk into the gym every day to celebrate all that my body (and mind) are capable of, and I perform best when I’m appreciating and enjoying what I’m doing, so I try to maintain this mindset.

What would you consider one of your greatest strengths as an athlete?

One of my greatest strengths as an athlete is this mindset toward training (see above). While I take my training seriously, I am never opposed to an impromptu dance-off or spontaneous karaoke session (especially if it’s Cardi B or Lizzo). In fact, you can almost always find me dancing during rest intervals.

What’s something you’ve learned about yourself during your time training at the gym?

During my time at QSF, I’ve learned the importance of finding a community that you truly love and appreciate. Over the years, QSF has become more than a gym, and I can wholeheartedly say that every member I’ve encountered has positively contributed to my life. Whenever I walk through the front door, I know I will leave feeling more fulfilled, inspired, and loved than when I entered. I cherish every conversation that I have, and some days, it’s the promise of seeing a friendly face that gets me out of the house. 

Can you share your top 3 gym memories with us?

This question is unfair – I can’t pick! But if I had to share a few highlights (in no particular order)…

  • Space Bun Wednesdays 

  • 9:00 AM ladies club (and life lessons)

  • Dance-offs 

  • Pre-class circle chats

  • Mid-WOD banter

  • Themed WODs

  • Every conversation with Cal (how it turns out is always a surprise) 

What are your top 3 things to draw?

No Top 3 – only Top 1: QSF Workout Boards

What do you do to relax and unwind?

  • Listening to podcasts

  • Walks in nature without any distractions

  • Writing and reading poetry

  • Lighting a candle, burning incense, or turning on my diffuser

  • Watching any reality TV show (Love is Blind, Too Hot to Handle, Bachelor, Bachelorette, The Circle, The Mole, etc.)

  • Visiting a coffee shop

Anything else you’d like to add?

With the end of university nearing, my housemates and I were sharing what we were most grateful for this past year. For me, the answer was easy: QSF and the community I’ve been lucky enough to join. To be completely honest, I’ve never felt fully embraced for who I am, and for the first time, QSF has offered me a community where I feel as though I truly belong. So, to everyone who has contributed to this – THANK YOU. Each of you means more to me than you’ll ever know.