Support strength progressions develop the ability to support your bodyweight with just the upper body. These movements are for straight arm strength development, and should (with some exception) be performed with a locked elbow. Keeping the elbow locked puts the majority of the challenge on the scapula. Training straight arm strength should complement bent arm strength (pulling/pressing) work.

Some progressions have a prerequisite mobility to perform.

Progressions - OVerhead Support

Progression 1 - Box Shoulder Stretch

Points of Performance
- This is a prerequisite mobility drill for performing overhead support work.
- Elbows remain locked.

Required Work: arms in line with torso while overhead.

Progression 2 - Partial Wall Facing HS

Points of Performance
- Once inverted, keep elbows locked and drive head towards wall.
- Should should be open with the torso and hips stacked overtop of the hands. 

Required Work: 3 x 60 seconds

Progression 3 - Wall Facing Handstand

Points of Performance
- Hands no wider than shoulder width.
- Nose and toes should be the only contact points on the wall.
- Body completely straight and shoulder open.

Required Work: 3 x 60 seconds


Progression 4 - Wall Climbs

Points of Performance
- Begin in the bottom of a pushup, climb until nose and toes contact the wall.
- Body straight at the top and shoulder open.
- Each reps finishes when you return to the bottom of the pushup.

Required Work: 5 x 5 reps


Progressions - bottom Support

Progression 1 - Foot Assisted Box Support

Points of Performance
- Elbows locked and shoulders depressed.
- Use legs as little as possible to assist.

Required Work: 3 x 60 seconds

Progression 2 - Box Support

Points of Performance
- Boxes no wider than a forearm length apart.
- Keep elbows locked and shoulders depressed. 

Required Work: 3 x 60 seconds

Progression 3 - Scap Dips

Points of Performance
- Elbows remain locked through movement.
- Start at the the top of support and lower feet as close to ground as possible.
- Shoulders elevated at the top.

Required Work: 3 x 15 reps (3 sec @ top)


Progression 4 - Tuck Knee Raises

Points of Performance
- Begin at the top of the support.
- Knees come at least to parallel.

Required Work: 3 x 10 reps

Progression 5 - Tuck Hanging Knee Raises

Points of Performance
- Active hang. Bring knees to 90 degrees.
- Aim to swing as little as possible.

Required Work: 3 x 10 reps

Progression 6 - Tuck L-Hang

Points of Performance
- Keep knees at 90 degrees or above.

Required Work: 3 x 30 seconds


Progression 7 - Tuck L-Sit

Points of Performance
- Thighs parallel to ground or higher.
- Maintain depression.

Required Work: 3 x 30 seconds

Progression 8 - 1/2 Tuck L-Hang

Points of Performance
- One knee bent at 90 degrees, the other extended
- Torso remains vertical

Required Work: 3 x 30 Seconds

Progression 9 - Tuck L-Sit

Points of Performance
- Keep elbows locked.
- Push hips forward in L-Sit.

Required Work: 3 x 30 seconds


Progression 10 - L-Hang

Points of Performance
- Legs completely straight and parallel to ground.

Required Work: 3 x 30 seconds

Progression 11 - L-Sit

Points of Performance
- Legs completely straight and parallel to the ground. 
- Push hips forward as much as possible.

Required Work: 3 x 60 seconds


Progressions- PlanK

Progression 1 - Incline Plank

Points of Performance
- Body straight, shoulders protracted.
- Squeeze abs, butt, and legs.
- Decrease height to increase difficulty.

Required Work: 3 x 60 seconds

Progression 2 - Plank

Points of Performance
- Body completely straight. Butt, abs, and legs tight. Feet together.
- Protract shoulders. Hands directly underneath shoulders.

Required Work: 3 x 60 seconds

Progression 3 - Scap Pushup

Points of Performance
- Begin at the top in a plank. 
- Shoulders should retract fully at the bottom (scapula touch), and protract fully at the top.

Required Work: 3 x 15 reps (3 sec @ top/bottom)


Progression 5 - Plank Shoulder Taps

Points of Performance
- Feet approximately shoulder width. 
- Aim to move torso as little as possible while tapping shoulders.

Required Work: 3 x 30 reps/arm

Progression 4 - One Arm Plank

Points of Performance
- Body remains straight.
- Hand slightly towards the center of body.

Required Work: 3 x 60 sec/arm