Theodore joined the gym in early 2021, he’s one of our youngest and most enthusiastic members. He has a fun-loving attitude towards training and spreads joy to everyone he meets. Read below to find out more about how the little man in the headphones is crushing milestones in and out of the gym. 

When did you first start training at the gym? As a wee fella my onboarding involved mostly naps and protein shakes, then, around 2 months old, mom and I hit a tummy-time session on the blue mats. Let me just say, it was notttt easy. 

What do you consider one of your greatest strengths as an athlete? My mobility. Also, grip strength.

What fitness goals are you most proud of achieving this year? Learning to walk has been pretty huge for me. 200ft sled push. Recently I PR’d my active hang - 12 seconds unassisted.

What goals are you still working towards? HSPU (waiting for my arms to grow), pull-ups, skipping and box step-ups (the 20 inch box is better for box muscle-ups than stepping right now)

What’s one thing you feel is essential to your success in the gym? 12 hour sleep + 2 hour nap, in my sleep sack. Everybody needs a sleep sack.

Why do you like coming to Queen Street Fitness? For me, it’s really about the people. And the balls. Wall balls, dodgeballs, lacrosses balls, tennis balls, boy they’ve got a great selection.

Favourite post-workout carb source? Pouch. IYKYK. Banana-apple-raspberry, obv. 

Do you have any advice for new members? When you smile, people smile back. 

Most influential book you’ve read? Gotta be a toss up between The Wonky Donkey and The Seven Habits of Highly Effective Babies