Joan Gilmour is a powerhouse. As many of you know, in the CrossFit Open this year Joan qualified for the Age Group Online Qualifiers! Joan has achieved this with lots of hard work- she is approaching a solid 3 years at the gym, and has made vast improvements in all areas of her fitness since then. Joan consistently attends the 8:30am class with Coach Lauren and friends, 4-5 times a week. We are all very excited to see where Joan’s fitness takes her. Read below to learn more about how Joan approaches her training, nutrition, and training mindset.

What does an average day-in-the-life look like for you? (food, training, work, recovery, leisure time, etc.) I wake up between 6:30 and 7:00am every morning. My breakfast varies, from bacon and French toast made with the famous Bread & Butter Bakery whole grain bread, or eggs and toast, yoghurt and fruit and nuts, or even a few bites from the previous night’s dinner. I have coffee and water as well before I run off to the gym, after class I have a protein shake with almond milk. 
After training it's off and running home to jump in the shower and get ready for work grabbing a banana and perhaps some cheese and nuts again. I like to snack a lot!
Lunch usually consists of leftovers from previous enjoyed dinners which is always meat and veggies, potatoes, salad, maybe pasta and sauce, which always contains meat, love meat. 
My hydration consists of water and Zevia carbonated water, it has bubbles which reminds me of Prosecco! I like to drink hot water throughout the day, maybe one more cup of coffee, and some herbal teas, and WINE:)
After work, it's home to make dinner or heat up if I have prepared anything. Snacks consist of cheese and crackers, nuts, Miss Vickies chips, fruit, and a can of smoked oysters with crackers probably twice a week. I also eat dessert probably 3 times a week, usually ice cream or cake.
I do most of the cooking, as my Husband has Parkinson's Disease with Dementia so needs to be helped when cooking meals, he is a good Sous Chef, so therefore I can boss him around haha!
Leisure time is scarce, I do like to watch Netflix, or some sit coms, laughter is the best medicine I believe. 
I have a little Yorkshire Terrier, Lady, and she is my therapy dog. She loves her walkies!
My sleep time is never solid, I usually awaken several times in the night but I do fall back to sleep shortly after.

Have you changed the way you eat since you began CrossFit, If so, how? I really just eat more since I began CrossFit. I haven't really changed the way I eat, well maybe more pasta and sweet potatoes, but I'm an everything-in-moderation eater, always have been. I have never had to count calories. I have always exercised, I was a runner for a number of years, and thought I was in great shape until I tried my first aerobic class, ouch! I would say I just eat more food, yes, I love to eat and snack between meals.
I am interested sometime in the future, to join the nutrition challenges that the gym has offered, time has been the limiter on that challenge.

How does training/CrossFit fit into your life? Well, there are certain movements in life that have certainly improved, lifting properly, overhead arm work, my arms never get tired cutting hair or shampoo basin work, and my hands are stronger for scalp massages! When I sold my house, I had to paint pretty much the whole house and I could not believe how much stamina I had for that task and I painted 9' ceilings as well. 
I am forever hauling bags of groceries and "stuff", (great farmers carry skills) across my apartment parking lot and up the elevator to the apartment. 
I attend the 8:30 am class and my training has to be done in the morning, the latest time being noon. After standing all day at work, and I do mean that standing, if I do sit down it's for a 20 min lunch or a 15 min break if that happens.

What reasons did you have to train when you started CrossFit? Have those reasons changed? If so, how? Over 3 years ago, while driving on Queen Street I kept seeing people running around The Queen Street United Church. I wondered what that was all about, then realized that there was a gym there. I was looking for something different other than repetitive fitness that I was involved in at the time. Storm, being an Ambassador with Lululemon was offering CrossFit introductions at Lululemon for several weeks on Sunday mornings. After that I joined the gym and I had entered into the Tough Mudder that year and I wanted to be in better shape for that task. I thought, oh I'll do this for a few months and see how I like it. I LOVE it!! Never looked back.

What improvements have you made in the past 6 months that you are most proud of? I have been working on gymnastics strength training and putting in the extra work 3 times a week. This has really improved my pull-ups and push-ups, and I can incorporate them into the regular WODs now, sometimes all the reps, sometimes not. I really like double unders and try to get extra work on those in!!
I improved my Open scores, that extra Gymnastics Strength Training has been paying off!

Do you currently have a main focus or goal(s) with your training? My goal is to be able to perform a bar and/or ring muscle up some day, and to also improve my strict movements on the bar. 
Now handstands are a different kettle of fish altogether, I have an issue with being upside down. I would like to become more confident with this and be able to kick up to the wall someday.
Another goal I have is to look and the AGOQ (Age Group Online Qualifier) WODs with coaches when they are released, and then make a decision from there on what to do about them!!!

What would you consider to be your greatest strength as an athlete? I really like routine, and attending my regular class makes me focus and set the day off properly 
I feel it takes mental strength to actually get to the gym, sometimes life gets in the way and it is difficult to push situations that wonder into your mind during a workout. Pushing thoughts out of your head can be a feat in itself in order to carry on with everyday life. 
The daily WOD and the camaraderie is so helpful for my mental health as well as physical health.

What is one thing that you do every day that you feel is essential in contributing to your success in the gym? Show up for class, even if I am tired, I have learned that scaling is good, especially for us masters on those tired days. 
Accounting for the Wod on SugarWod is key, keeps me on track. It's like having a list and taking great pleasure in crossing that accomplishment off for that day.

If you could give yourself one piece of advice when you started CrossFit, what would it be? This all takes time and patience. I remember watching in the beginning, the seasoned athletes performing pull ups and DU's, wow, it was amazing. Never thought I would achieve double unders. 
Just being at CFQS and putting in my effort every day to the best of my ability is all I ask of myself. We all support each other whatever our achievements are, big or small, they are all our own achievements to be proud of.

Do you have a go-to self-pep talk? (i.e. something you tell yourself when things get hard with training or during a workout) I have never quit during a workout, I may have thought about it, but haven't. When it gets tough I think of all the people who have disabilities, adaptive athletes, if they can do it, so can I!!

Is there anything you would like to add? The one thing in life that is constant is change. I am looking forward to seeing the new Gym Headquarters!!
So glad I am part of the Community and have met so many wonderful people.