Raj has been a 7:30pm regular since approximately the beginning of time, though sometimes you can also catch him doing extra work in the morning (benching or running crazy distances on the air runner). Raj always brings the smiles and laughs with him to the gym, and has contributed so much to the community over the years. Read below to learn about how Raj practices consistency and moderation in his training and nutrition, how he is working on his mobility, and what he values about CrossFit and his friends at the gym.

What does an average day-in-the-life look like for you? (food, training, work, recovery, leisure time, etc.)

I try to stick to a routine that doesn't deviate much. I wake up every day around 6.30; coffee and good music is a must. I’ll quickly catch up on some news & sports and head into work. My work schedule can fluctuate, either a 7.45 am or 9.45 am start or somewhere in between to get a head start on things depend on coverage, deadlines or projects. All my meals, breakfast, lunch and dinner are all prepped over the weekend, I am big believer in convenience:
- Breakfast: oats with protein powder and mixed berries 
- Lunch: Meat chicken or beef (cooked different ways every week), rice and veggies 
- Dinner: Grilled chicken and a salad with a fruit shake
Work can vary, it could be all day at my desk working on reports or projects, to running around the department solving problems or meetings all day. The unpredictability and the chaos is something I like, and you will never how the day will unfold; goal is to stay prepared, organized and flexible all at the same time.
Training, depending on my goals, I would work on conditioning or strength in the morning or during my lunch and try to attend the 7.30 pm class regularly 5 days a week. For recovery, try to do RomWod every night after class and weekends are for sleep, bacon and rest. Typically, it’s dinner and a TV show after class to decompress and in bed by 10.30 pm, to rise rinse and repeat.

Have you changed the way you eat since you began CrossFit, If so, how?

Eating and food has changed very much over the years and finally figured out what works for me. 
First and foremost, no limitations, but the importance of moderation and balance is more profound in my diet. I cook for taste (it needs to taste good!) and healthy and balanced as possible and try to avoid high sugar and salt food (sometimes not successful). I use most of my weekends experimenting like a mad scientist to see what combination of ingredients makes an amazing meal. 

Currently its Cross-Fitting to eat, working on eating to CrossFit.

How does training/CrossFit fit into your life? 

CrossFit has become a part of my routine, it’s not just about the physical fitness but also the mental clarity it brings. Just for 1 hour a day, to completely zone out, empty to your tank and simply cap off another day saying I gave it all I got.

What reasons did you have to train when you started CrossFit? Have those reasons changed? If so, how? 

It was simple, I was unmotivated and getting soft around the edges and I needed to do something. So, I joined the gym and never looked back. Those reasons haven't changed, because I still got my curves, but it’s the mental well-being I get from CrossFit that is the primary focus.

What improvements have you made in the past 6 months that you are most proud of? Honestly my strength and aerobic capacity. I never thought I would be able to lift as much as much as I am able to today or even complete a 5km run. For me, I feel like I am getting a little bit better every day, I never considered myself athletic or fit, but I am proud of what I am able to do and excited to see what I can achieve.

Do you currently have a main focus or goal(s) with your training?

Currently my main fitness goal is to work on my aerobic capacity and endurance, and work a little bit everyday on my mobility (these joints are tight)

What would you consider to be your greatest strength as an athlete? 

Being patient and having good work ethic, with these traits, you can overcome any challenging situation. I like to tell myself 'good things come to those who wait' also "work smart not hard."

What is one thing that you do every day that you feel is essential in contributing to your success in the gym?

The greatest days I have at the gym are the days when I clear my head and enjoy the moment. I value working out with others, supporting each other and joking around. It doesn't matter what my time, reps, or weight were, most importantly I had fun. When you have fun, you push yourself a little bit more.

If you could give yourself one piece of advice when you started CrossFit, what would it be?

Don't be so hard on yourself, you are your worst enemy, there will good days and bad days, and I like coach said, "Only do what you can."

Do you have a go-to self-pep talk? (i.e. something you tell yourself when things get hard with training or during a workout): 

It’s okay and try again, there is always tomorrow.

Is there anything you would like to add?

Queen Street is a great gym, but it's the community that really keeps me coming back. The friends I've made over the years, I cherish to this day. The folks in your class don't care what numbers you put up, they care about you. Everyone motivates you and supports you and they are there to tell you, you did great even though you feel like you didn't, there is no pressure to be the fastest, strongest or the best every day. Sometimes that's all you need to surpass even your own expectations.